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Sunrise Yoga @ The Edgartown Lighthouse

þri., 01. ágú.



Join us every Tuesday at 6:30AM for a sunrise special of Yoga, Meditation and Breathwork at Lighthouse Beach in Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard!

Registration is Closed
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Sunrise Yoga @ The Edgartown Lighthouse
Sunrise Yoga @ The Edgartown Lighthouse

Time & Location

01. ágú. 2023, 06:30 – GMT-4 – 07:30

Edgartown, 121 N Water St, Edgartown, MA 02539, USA

About the event

We will meet at the lighthouse at 630 AM for practice. Bring a towel and/or mat for practice and maybe a bathing suit for a morning swim after class! Please consider sharing a donation with the MV Museum, one of our amazing community partners, for all the work they do to maintain the Edgartown lighthouse 🧘‍♀️

Some Logistics:

1) The class will start at 6:30AM. Please arrive 5-10 min prior to ensure enough time to walk down to the beach. 

2) Capacity is limited to 20 people. 

3) Pre-registration or drop-in options are available. If dropping in, cash or Venmo is accepted. 

4) In case of rain, class will be canceled.

5) Have fun, be safe, and share a smile with your community!

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DBA og viðskiptaheiti: Jason Mazar-Kelly í viðskiptum sem WholesomeMV, LLC

Staðsetning fyrirtækja:Martha's Vineyard - Dukes County - MA - Bandaríkin

Reglur um þjónustuuppfyllingu, endurgreiðslu og afpöntun:Þjónusta verður veitt nánast eða í eigin persónu að vali viðskiptavinar þegar hann velur þjónustu. Tekið verður við greiðslum á netinu með wix greiðslum, square, paypal, stripe eða venmo, allt eftir viðkomandi þjónustu. Öll kaup eru óendurgreiðanleg. Sem sagt, vinsamlegast hafðu samband við ef þú hefur sérstakar aðstæður sem þú vilt ræða. Við erum ánægð að spjalla og finna lausn!

Þjónustuver:Hafðu samband við okkur á til að hafa samband við okkur!


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