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Virtual Chair Yoga and Meditation: Hosted by the West Tisbury Library

mið., 10. jún.


Zoom via West Tisbury Library

Chair yoga is a supported style of yoga that is accessible to all levels and ages. In this weekly class we focus on the subtle aspects of yoga working with gentle movement and integrative breath practices and meditations to help restore, maintain and reset.

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Virtual Chair Yoga and Meditation: Hosted by the West Tisbury Library
Virtual Chair Yoga and Meditation: Hosted by the West Tisbury Library

Time & Location

10. jún. 2020, 08:00 – 12:00

Zoom via West Tisbury Library

About the event

Chair yoga is a supported style of yoga that is accessible to all levels and ages. In this class, practitioners will be guided through seated and moving meditations utilizing the support and assistance of a chair. While some chair yoga classes are aimed at elderly practitioners or individuals recovering from injury, it can be a fun and relaxing way to practice for all populations. The chair can lend support for getting deeper into postures while maintaining the relaxation response throughout the class. In addition, meditation can be uncomfortable physically when practiced on a floor and in a cross legged or kneeling position. As such, seated meditation in a chair can be a great way to maintain comfort which will allow for more focus and a deeper meditation. All you need for this class is an armless chair and place to put it. We hope you can join us for this weekly virtual session offered by Jason Mazar-Kelly (yogijay) through the West Tisbury Library. Please email the library at least a day before class to sign up and get assistance with the online Zoom platform.

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DBA og viðskiptaheiti: Jason Mazar-Kelly í viðskiptum sem WholesomeMV, LLC

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