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Yoga and Breathwork Brunch

sun., 08. ágú.


The Yoga Barn

Join the Yoga Barn and I every Sunday morning at 10:30am for a yoga and breathwork brunch buffet that will leave you empowered, clear and confident!

Registration is Closed
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Yoga and Breathwork Brunch
Yoga and Breathwork Brunch

Time & Location

08. ágú. 2021, 10:30 – 12:00

The Yoga Barn, 1 Red Barn Rd, West Tisbury, MA 02575, USA

About the event

Join the Yoga Barn and I every Sunday morning at 10:30am for a yoga and breathwork brunch buffet that will leave you empowered, clear and confident!

In-Person and Online options available. Pre-registration is currently required. 

1) Please wait until 10 minutes before class to enter the building and please wash or sanitize your hands prior to entering the building

2) Masks are optional for those who are vaccinated 

3) Mats are available for rental if you do not have your own

4) Props will be provided however we ask that you wipe down the props after use

5) Please reach out to the Yoga Barn if you have any questions or concerns -

We look forward to having you join us for a wonderful evening of Yoga. Check out the Yoga Barn and all their other amazing classes and teachers. It is a beautiful community. Class passes are available for purchase through the Yoga Barn.

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DBA og viðskiptaheiti: Jason Mazar-Kelly í viðskiptum sem WholesomeMV, LLC

Staðsetning fyrirtækja:Martha's Vineyard - Dukes County - MA - Bandaríkin

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Þjónustuver:Hafðu samband við okkur á til að hafa samband við okkur!


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