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Yoga and Meditation in the Mytoi Gardens

sun., 11. okt.


Mytoi Japanese Garden

Join The Trustees of Martha's Vineyard and YogiJay for a special morning class of yoga and meditation in the beautiful Mytoi Gardens on Chappaquiddick.

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Yoga and Meditation in the Mytoi Gardens
Yoga and Meditation in the Mytoi Gardens

Time & Location

11. okt. 2020, 10:30 – 11:30

Mytoi Japanese Garden, 41 Dike Rd, Edgartown, MA 02539, USA

About the event

Join YogiJay and the Trustees of Martha's Vineyard on Sunday September 6th for a morning of yoga and meditation in the beautiful Mytoi gardens. This class is accessible to all levels of practitioners and is a great way to engage safely with the MV community in a beautiful outdoor setting surrounded by the sweet smells…

Please note that the Trustees handles all reservations for this event. As such, please reach out to the Trustees via email at to register. Thank you!Registration:…

Please arrive 10 minutes prior to the beginning of class. Please wear a mask when coming, going or walking around the gardens. You do not have to wear your mask during class as mats will be spaced more than 6ft apart however please have your mask accessible when social distance cannot be maintained.COVID Considerations:

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