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Yoga at the Fair

lau., 20. ágú.


Martha's Vineyard Ag Fair

Join YogiJay, The Martha's Vineyard Agricultural Society, and WholesomeMV for a morning of Yoga to kick off Day 3 of the Martha's Vineyard Ag Fair on Saturday morning!

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Yoga at the Fair
Yoga at the Fair

Time & Location

20. ágú. 2022, 10:30 – GMT-4 – 11:30

Martha's Vineyard Ag Fair, 35 Panhandle Rd, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568, USA

About the event

Join YogiJay, The Martha's Vineyard Agricultural Society, and WholesomeMV for a morning of Yoga to kick off Day 3 of the Martha's Vineyard Ag Fair on Saturday morning!  

This class is included as part of the admission to the fair however tips and donations are welcome through the signup here or via drop-in at the fair.   If you are pre-registering, you can choose the "free ticket" option or slide the price scale up or down between $1 and $20 if you would like to add a donation/tip to the host. This can be done in person at the fair as well. Please plan to arrive 10 minutes in advance to allow time for setup.

Class is all levels so bring your whole family and come and move with a sweet community for however long feels right to you! Yoga mats will be provided on a first come first serve basis so bring your own if you have one or your favorite beach towel to practice on.  We will meet under the music tent at 10:30 am. See you at the fair! 🥳🙏

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DBA og viðskiptaheiti: Jason Mazar-Kelly í viðskiptum sem WholesomeMV, LLC

Staðsetning fyrirtækja:Martha's Vineyard - Dukes County - MA - Bandaríkin

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