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Yoga at the MV Museum with YogiJay

sáb., 21 de set.


Martha's Vineyard Museum

Join YogiJay (Jason Mazar-Kelly) for a fun-filled morning of yoga at the MV Museum. The MV Museum is a cornerstone of the Vineyard and focuses on creating a space for sharing the history of the island and telling the stories of the community in an artistic and educational format.

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 Yoga at the MV Museum with YogiJay
 Yoga at the MV Museum with YogiJay

Horário e local

21 de set. de 2024, 09:00 – 10:00 GMT-4

Martha's Vineyard Museum, 151 Lagoon Pond Rd, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568, USA

Sobre o evento

Join YogiJay (Jason Mazar-Kelly) of WholesomeMV and The MV Museum every Saturday for a community-based all-levels yoga class. This weekly event is a great way to connect with the community and enjoy a sweet practice of movement, meditation, and breath in one of the most beautiful spots on the island. The MV Museum is a central location for community building and learning. We look forward to sharing this space and practicing with you!

Classes are typically held outdoors on the lawn overlooking the Vineyard Haven Harbor. However, in the case of rain or during the colder months when it gets a little cold to practice outside, we will practice inside the MV Museum in their beautiful atrium surrounded by the history and culture of the island!

Some Logistics:

1) Please bring your own Mat or Towel. If it is a rainy day and we are indoors, I would bring a mat and a towel or blanket if you want some extra padding for your knees. If you forget your mat, no worries, I usually have a couple extra with me.

2) Please arrive at least 5 minutes prior to the start of class

3) Indoor Capacity is limited to 20 people. Outdoor Capacity is limited to 50 people.

4) Pre-registration online or drop in with Cash or Venmo. An anonymous sliding scale is provided for those who pre-register so you get to pick your price between $20 and $30/person.

5) Please be respectful and considerate of others. Have fun, be safe, and share a smile with your community!

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DBA e Razão Social: Jason Mazar-Kelly fazendo negócios como WholesomeMV, LLC

Localização da empresa:Martha's Vineyard - Dukes County - MA - EUA

Política de Cumprimento do Serviço, Reembolso e Cancelamento:Os serviços serão fornecidos virtualmente ou pessoalmente, a critério do cliente ao selecionar um serviço. Pagamentos online serão aceitos via Wix Payments, Square, Paypal, Stripe ou Venmo, dependendo do respectivo serviço. Todas as compras não são reembolsáveis. Dito isso, entre em contato com se tiver uma circunstância especial que gostaria de discutir. Ficaremos felizes em conversar e encontrar uma solução!

Atendimento ao Cliente:Contate-nos em para entrar em contato conosco!


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